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Frequently Asked Questions

The following are frequently asked questions that the Windsor Goodfellows charitable organization receives from people looking for additional information about our food programs and community services.

Do the Windsor Goodfellows only provide food to those in need at Christmas time?

No, the Windsor Goodfellows provide food year-round to residents in need living in the Windsor-Essex County area. In addition to the holiday food program, our charitable organization operates a weekly food bank on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10:00am to 12:00pm and from 1:00pm until 3:00pm.

We also have a breakfast & snacks program in 29 of our local schools where we provide nutritious meals for children each day of the school year.

In addition to our food programs, our footwear program for children in junior kindergarten (JK) to grade 8 provides winter boots and running shoes to kids in need.

How do the Windsor Goodfellows raise money?

Windsor Goodfellows raise money through donations, an appeals letter mail out, fundraising events and our holiday newspaper sale. The continuous dedication of our volunteers and the generosity and support of the Windsor-Essex County community enable us to provide the programs we offer to those in need.

Do the Windsor Goodfellows provide a tax receipt for donations?

Yes, a charitable tax receipt will be issued for donations over $10.00.

How can I donate to the Windsor Goodfellows charitable organization?

Donate online via Credit Card/PayPal at

Mail donations to:
Windsor Goodfellows
401 Park Street West
Windsor, ONĀ  N9A 5V4

Electronic funds transfer to:
*Please indicate your NAME & ADDRESS in the message for the charitable tax receipt

Gifts-in-kind: Please consider the Windsor Goodfellows charitable organization when Estate Planning bequests are contemplated. Stocks, bonds and mutual funds can be donated to our brokerage account.